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Origin Story

Yahira Torres was diagnosed with breast cancer in September 2020,  mid-COVID pandemic, and she felt alone. She went to social media to look for other young cancer stories (especially those who look like her - Latina & fat). Through that process, she was able to meet some amazing friends (via the Internet).

The community was pivotal to her mental health.  See Yahira underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy, 2 expander removal surgeries, radiation, and by salpingo-oophorectomy. Every step of the way she confided in the community, and was able to get answers from them quicker than she did with her own medical team.  The community was what helped her through many hardships.

Pride Retreat is Yahira's gift back to the community. She always loved to travel (fun fact: mid active treatment, she took a solo trip to Epcot), and has always been great at planning - so naturally she gravitated to the idea of setting up a retreat.

The goal is to provide this opportunity to as many as possible at little or no cost to the participants. 


Why a lion?

Lions live in large, social groups called "prides".
A pride is mainly made up of lionesses.
The pride has a close bond.
Living in a pride makes life easier.

We are strong, and fierce like lions. Our bond is like no other. We are a unit, a tribe, a PRIDE.

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